HEALING CONNECTIONS: How can vulnerability be our guide?
13 - 16 June 2024, Provence
In our work hosting conversations around transformation with individuals, communities, and organizations two themes have consistently emerged: the crucial roles of holding uncertainty and healing as part of transformational change. Some of the questions we would like to explore are:
Is healing the ground for regeneration? What is needed to heal ourselves and the organizations/systems we are part of? Can we bridge emotional and spiritual practices and what we know of trauma into building healing capacities in communities and organizations? What does it mean to show up in vulnerability? How can joy complement vulnerability? What can emerge when we create space for other ways of knowing (being, feeling, and loving rather than only thinking)?
This three-day gathering is an invitation to explore how we can build collective resilience and support healing in organizations and communities.
The questions we are holding are a starting point for a co-created collaborative exploration, through empty space, somatic dialogue, movement, creativity, nature coaching, and creating space with an openness to what magic might emerge.
We would love to invite people from various backgrounds interested in learning on organizational and community levels.

Instead of a pre-planned detailed program, we will create a flow of working together with everyone involved.
When: June 13-June 16. We invite people to arrive, if possible, on the afternoon of 13 June so that we can gather and connect that evening. We will close at midday on the 16 June.
Where: Cucuron, France (more info HERE)
If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking the button below and we will schedule a time for a call.
As we want to create a strong, diverse community, we’ve created the following categories to support access for people from various backgrounds, and create a rich and meaningful experience for all:
€1,250: Individuals from ‘for profit’ businesses, able to contribute to revillage programs and community.
€600: Individuals from small businesses, social enterprises, NGOs, self-employed.
€350: Extended accessibility across sectors and regions, for people who wouldn’t be able to do this programme without support.
We are also happy to offer a 50% discount on all the rates for anyone living or visiting locally who wants to participate and does not need accommodation.
Please note: The price covers accommodation, all food/non-alcoholic drinks, materials, and session costs, but doesn’t include travel to and from the venue or any 1:1 sessions.
Sarah Nuedling
Sarah is a facilitator, consultant, and educator with experience in interactive and creative learning settings. She works with mainly non-profit organizations around systemic change, and also explores collaborative artistic practices as part of the KreaturenKollektiv in Germany.
Glyn Bottrell
Glyn works as an independent facilitator and consultant. He left a career in international diplomacy a decade ago, to begin an ongoing eclectic sense-making learning journey. Glyn weaves all his experience and learning with ideas around complexity, regeneration, conflict, and trauma, trusting that what is needed will emerge through each connection and conversation.