15 - 18 May, Provence
This is your invitation to slow down, inquire within, and give your creative practice the gift of presence and time. We will be immersed in beautiful scenery, combining ample solo time with community practice, play, and adventures in nature. You are welcome to bring whatever story, art, or soulful project calling for your attention and move it from the “back burner” to the foreground of your awareness.
The idea is to feel spacious in both time and Spirit. It will be an unforgettable experience curated with loving care. You can expect stunning views, a beautiful vineyard to inspire you, a silent space overlooking an inviting pool, and delicious food.
The work we will do together is gently guided and co-created. We will do more curating of experiences than facilitating or teaching. We will guide you to reconnect with the creative flow within you, create practices that will serve as an anchor and call in more creativity, engage in imaginative play with a serious purpose and meaning, honor the sacred at the heart of everyday life, and feel fulfilled and inspired rather than stressed or exhausted by those choices you are called to make.

When: May 15 - May 18
We invite people to arrive, on the afternoon of May 15th in order to gather and connect that evening. We will close at midday on May 18th.
Daily schedule:
9:00 AM Meditation or Gentle Movement
9:30 AM Breakfast
10:30 AM Creative Practice
12:30 PM Community Lunch
4:00 PM Nature Walk / Creative Practice
7:30 PM Dinner & Community Holistic Events
The schedule is designed to allow for ample solo time and community practice, play, and creative adventures.
Location: Cucuron, France (more info HERE)
We have made every effort to make this experience accessible. The price is 1,400 EUR for accommodation in a Shared Room and 1,750 EUR for accommodation in a Private Room (VAT included).
Please note: The price covers accommodation, all food/drink, materials and session costs, but doesn’t include travel to and from the venue or any 1:1 sessions.
If you are interested in attending, please register by clicking the button below and we will schedule a time for a call.
Fateme Banishoeib
Fateme is the founder of ReNEWBusiness, a Poet, a Painter, and a Chemist who knows human development and cultural artistry. She has human wellbeing at the center of her work and knows what it takes to heal complex systems.
Sonja Kresojevic
Sonja is the founder of revillage. She works as an advisor, coach, and facilitator, blending experience in innovation, and system change, with a passion for learning and emerging art practice.
Vanessa Naumann
Vanessa works as a creative catalyst, helping people untangle their mind, alleviate stress, and release physical and emotional pain so they can access their full potential.