FACING THE FEAR AND JOY OF LOSING: How do we create time and space for the new?
24 - 26 April, Provence
Fear blinds us to novelty; it prevents us from trying something new, from experimenting and being open to change.
But losing something can also mean that we create space. Where once something existed, there is now space. Time. A hole in our bodily, physical, and social fabric.
And to create space for the new, must we not get rid of things? Must we not lose ourselves and our way(s)? What if losing means we fail in doing the old, outdated things and behaviors? What if it is time to try new approaches, new ways of thinking, and relating?
In this three-day gathering, we will enter the realm of letting go together. We will explore what it means to gain #lassenskraft (the power of letting go). What does it take to face nothing and nothingness? As a very gently guiding light, these are some of the questions we might raise:
How do transactions transform into relations? Which role does money play in all of this? What is our real work and how do we fund it? Which values do we care for? Which values do we want to give life to? Which sounds does transformation create? How spontaneous and radically alive am I? How does life taste?

In the spirit of letting go, the first thing we have let go of is a detailed program. This is an invitation to relinquish control and allow ourselves to be moved by the agency of the space, time, and people themselves, relish the spontaneity of our being together, and dance to a deeper music, as Tyson Yunkaporta might say, to yarn a new tale.
When: Emergence and core-experience space: April 24-April 26. People are welcome to arrive as early as the afternoon of the 23rd and leave before lunch on the 27th of April.
Where: Cucuron, France
Please note this gathering is now FULLY BOOKED.
To join us in Provence this spring, check out one of our other events.
Sonja Kresojevic
Sonja is the founder of revillage. She works as an advisor, coach, and facilitator, blending experience in innovation, and system change, with a passion for learning and emerging art practice.
Martin Calnan
Martin is Director of Executive Education at the Ecole des Ponts Business School, chair professor of the UNESCO Chair in Futures Literacy, a Future Fellow at Hawkwood College, in the UK, and the co-founder of The Integrity Centre.
Martin A. Ciesielski
Martin is Co-Founder of the school of nothing, an artistic intervention to provoke and train the imagination. He does applied research in the fields of money, storytelling, embodied intelligence, and futures literacy.